
Welcome to the Queen Hair family!

My name is Anastasia Love. I am an experienced hair stylist who has worked with all types of hair. I’ve been creating beautiful looks and different hair styles for my favorite clients for many years now. My utmost priority in my line of work has always been the quality and “lightness” of natural hair. I use only natural hair (also known as “virgin” hair) that has never been altered by a chemical process or doesn’t have any silicone coating. It’s the best type of hair that is easy to look after, extremely durable and is of the highest possible quality.

Currently there are a lot of brands on the market that claim to be selling natural virgin hair. However, it wasn’t easy for me to find a good supplier, since not every brand satisfied my quality requirements. I tried literally everything during my search for the best possible hair extensions! I’ve spent many years on searching for and trying different hair types. My search was finally successful and now I can proudly present a new hair line called Studio Queen Hair – the hair that meet my high quality standards and that you will be wearing for years!

Studio Queen Hair is the hair with the completely preserved natural hair structure without any chemical processing or silicone coating which makes it extremely durable. We don’t add synthetic materials to our hair in order to make it heavier. There are no chemicals in our hair! It’s called Studio Queen Hair because it offers royal quality for the real queens! Welcome to our royal world of beautiful shiny hair of the highest quality!

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